Friday, March 27, 2009

Lent 2009

Each year I try to add something to my Lenten Reflection. I am not really interested in taking away stuff like: chocolate, coffee, etc. I have used Lent as a time to abstain from these activities in the past.
For this Lenten season, I found myself engaged in life in several new ways: leading a Ladies Retreat for my church, going on a Mission trip with my Covenant group, restarting our Parents' brunch program, reading Henri Nouwen's lenten guide, and preparing for an Emmaus weekend. All of these activities have given me an opportunity to feed my soul and body in several ways.
The Ladies Retreat was a gift to those of us who attended because we were able to transcend our usual relationship. The Mission trip empowered me physically by our act of empowering the people of Mississippi Gulf coast to look for restoration of their souls and homes. I found out my body can give so much more than I usually allow to.
Our Parents' brunch gives me a chance to just be a parent and to get to know our church/community parents on a deeper level. Reading Henri always makes me more aware of my inner life and how important it is to care for my inner life. Preparing for Emmaus weekends always reminds me of how the church really works: through its loving and dedicated laity.
An added bonus to my Lenten season is that I got to take my children from church to their retreat: SCREAM. I always get a lot from the talks and games. Remembering how much God loves us while in the North Georgia mountains seems to be easier than when I am driving in rush hour traffice on Powder Springs Road. But I will remember with a smile how much God loves me this rainy morning as I think about my kiddoes.

1 comment:

Shannon Karafanda said...

That's the great thing. You don't have to give anything up to be closer to God. He gave it all up for us. Doing something can be more fulfilling and rewarding at times and what better time of year to focus on what we do.